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Hard to pull - 1953 Evinrude 15hp

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  • Hard to pull - 1953 Evinrude 15hp

    I'm rebuilding my 1953 Evinrude 15hp motor. I just put a recoil on it that I bought on Ebay cause it didn't come with one. The recoil is working smooth as it should.

    When I put it on the motor and pulled, it was extremely hard to pull. Here's a video of me doing that

    I took the plugs out to see if I just had too much compression and I was becoming a wimp. Here's a video of me pulling it without the plugs. Almost as hard.

    It's not in gear either. I tried pulling it in gear just to check also.

    So, any ideas of how I should proceed to figure out why it's so hard?

  • #2
    Verify that there is no binding in the pull start ***embly. Remove the spark plugs and turn the flywheel by hand, if still hard remove the lower unit and try again. If still hard then the problem is internal.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts


    • #3
      I did take off the recoil and no change.

      I'll take off the lower end and try that. Tks.


      • #4
        I took the lower end off and no change. So I took the head off and found the cylinders were gummed up.

        So I sprayed some WD40 and PB Blaster in them and pulled it a few times. The put the head back on and it pulled much easier.

        Still seems to be a little hard to pull than what I would think it should be but I have not had an old outboard before without an electric starter.

        I'm going to do a compression test next.


        • #5
          If the cylinder was gummed up, the most likely the crankcase has some gum. If you can get it to run. Run some fuel treatment through the engine.

          Evinrude Outboard Parts

