I noticed some gas comming out of the carb where the arrow is pointing to, on the picture below. The engine runs for 5 sec. and then slowly dies.

So i tore off the carb looking for something obvious. Did not find anything. Needles look good. Float was intact with gook on it and a reddish color. I followed the directions in the Seloc manual. When it came time to remove the low idle needle with packing nut, this is wher I ran into problems. My needle did not have a spring or a o ring shown on there diagram. Instead it had a clear washer and a what looks like another heavier black plastic washer that the packing nut seated into. I got the clear washer out. The black plastic washer under it is a different story. I need to know that it is supposed to come out. Also that the 382048 carb rebuild kit comes with a new replacement. Please help. Pictures are no problem. Just dont want to screw it up any worse.

So i tore off the carb looking for something obvious. Did not find anything. Needles look good. Float was intact with gook on it and a reddish color. I followed the directions in the Seloc manual. When it came time to remove the low idle needle with packing nut, this is wher I ran into problems. My needle did not have a spring or a o ring shown on there diagram. Instead it had a clear washer and a what looks like another heavier black plastic washer that the packing nut seated into. I got the clear washer out. The black plastic washer under it is a different story. I need to know that it is supposed to come out. Also that the 382048 carb rebuild kit comes with a new replacement. Please help. Pictures are no problem. Just dont want to screw it up any worse.