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power pack problem

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  • power pack problem

    i guy's i order new power pack for my evinrude 85 150 hp with omc 0582651
    and i receive replace number OMC0763792

    the problem i got i install both pack start well run great out of water with
    hose connect to foot but in water start well but when i put it in drive
    can't got any power to hole shot no speed and motor stop every time
    do i have to make adjustement when i instrall new power pack

  • #2
    Originally posted by sylvain n View Post
    i guy's i order new power pack for my evinrude 85 150 hp with omc 0582651
    and i receive replace number OMC0763792

    the problem i got i install both pack start well run great out of water with
    hose connect to foot but in water start well but when i put it in drive
    can't got any power to hole shot no speed and motor stop every time
    do i have to make adjustement when i instrall new power pack
    I just recieved a dud yesterday, hooked it up thinking i was river bound and guess what. NO spark!! i called today and got a return authorization for it and another one sent out, i hooked up the old one and it still runs on it but will not plane out just goes to idle. I am hating this weak pp on this motor i would love to get a CDI brand but nuns available,,

