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Evinrude 135HP Information

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  • Evinrude 135HP Information

    Hey guys, I'm new to the boating scene and found a good deal on a boat that came with a Evinrude 135HP. At least that's what the engine cover says. A few quick questions, where can I find the model and serial number so I can find out what year the motor is?

    I know it's a V4 and a 2 stroke from looking at it. I wasn't able to put the boat in the water and didn't have a way to get it started before purchasing, frankly for what I paid for the boat its not a big deal.

    I pulled the plugs and the motor seemed to have good compression and spark.

    The boat had been sitting for a few years and I was wondering where I should start with getting this lake ready. I'm not in a hurry, I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on the best place to start.

    Thanks in advance!!


  • #2
    It's usually on the housing just below the motor, on some it can be found on the freeze plugs of the motor. If you find it use the link at the top of the forum and find the year.


    • #3
      Model and serial

      Found the model and serial #

      135383m - model

      j 06289 - serial

      Thanks, any tips or tricks with the forum use, having trouble finding some stuff on here.


      • #4
        It's a 1973 135 HP motor

