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15hp 70's fuel issue

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  • 15hp 70's fuel issue

    Read this forum all the time, but my first post. I have an older (early 70's I think) model evinrude 15hp outboard. Got it out this weekend for the first time since winterizing. Started and ran great last time I had it out. Started within just a few pulls. Ran well for about a minute, maybe less. Died as if out of gas. Primed bulb and started right back up. Same thing. It runs normal as long as I continue to pump the bulb, but it won't hold a prime (not sure if that's correct terminology). I've inspected the fuel line from engine to tank, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes. Is this something obvious that someone that knows little about outboards might can fix, or do I need to just go ahead and find a professional.
    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    It's probably something simple, if you pump up the bulb and then unhook it from the motor it should stay some what firm for a while, if it doesn't then you might have a leaky check valve in the bulb. Does the connector leak fuel after you unhook it? Check all of the line connections up to the fuel pump, any air leaks will stop the fuel pump from being able to draw fuel. Look for fuel on the lines and at the tank, last resort is a bad fuel pump or at least a loose cover or gasket on the pump.


    • #3
      Thanks for advice highcountry. No visable fuel leaking anywhere from tank to motor. When I unhook the line I can pump the bulb and I see no fuel from connector. Sounds like my easiest/cheapest first step may be to just replace the bulb and see if that fixes the problem. I'll recheck the lines too now that the boat is out of the water and I can get a closer look.


      • #4
        Most of the time you won't see fuel on the line because the fuel pump is sucking it to the motor which will instead draw air into the lose connection and cause the pump to lose prime. If you pull the engine connector off the hose and pump up the bulb fuel should stay at the top of the hose when you hold it up in the air if the check is working.


        • #5
          Ok, I'll try that next. Haven't had time yet for a real close inspection, but I already feel more comfortable that it's not something major and hopefully something I can fix myself. Thanks again for the advice.


          • #6

            Had same problem with mine and turned out to be water in fuel (even though I had winterized properly). Suggest draining fuel from tank and disconnecting fuel line from carb and draining all fuel from line. Re-connect line and refill with fresh fuel. May still be difficult to crank and may "sputter" some til all water out. I've had the problem of water in "just bought" gas twice lately (from 2 different sources). I've now started pouring the gas into a gl*** container for inspection before pouring into my tanks. (Of course this may not be your problem but sharing b/c sounds like what happened to me). Good luck


            • #7
              Thanks Grinder. If its not the bulb I'll try that next. I winterized and emptied all tanks last november and started with fresh gas so hopefully that's not the problem, but you never know.

