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'96 70hp 2 stroke stalling

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  • '96 70hp 2 stroke stalling

    Hi all
    E70TLEDA has been running pretty well (a little smokier than usual) until 2 days ago. I started getting a no oil warning long beep and light. additionally the engine slowed then died. We sat for a while (10 min) then went through restart procedures(incl priming fuel), it fired right up and ran great for about 3 minutes. it seems to have run out of fuel.
    beginning of this season, compression 132 ish for all 3 cyl
    new sparkies
    full fresh (New) tank
    full oil tank
    new filter
    new fuel lines
    Engine has stock VRO pump

    After reading many posts here and Iboats I decided to try the VRO byp*** and mix the fuel manually. This worked well and the engine ran smoother with less smoke.
    Then it seemed like it ran out of fuel again. I primed the fuel system again and it ran well again until it stalled. repeat........

    I purchased a VRO service kit and performed the rebuild. Results were the exactly the same as before.
    It seems like either the pump is sticking or there is insufficient vacuum to operate the fuel pump because I can keep priming the system and it will run perfectly.

    Im not finding much on the vacuum system and am not sure what to check next. Any thoughts?
    Last edited by deanot442; 06-22-2017, 10:32 AM.

  • #2
    I retired in 1991... BUT... unless the warning horn sounds changed in 1996 or somewhere thereabout, they have remained as follows:

    (VRO Horn Warnings)
    (J. Reeves)

    NOTE: I retired around 1991/92. Possibly some of the later V4 engines and others may also incorporate a fuel vacuum switch that would enable a fuel restriction warning to sound as mentioned below, an unknown factor to myself.

    1 - A steady constant beep = Overheating - The V/6 engines, possibly some others, have a fuel restriction warning which is also a steady constant beep.

    2 - A beep every 20 or 40 seconds = oil level has dropped to 1/4 tank. (Late model engine = Every 40 seconds)

    3 - A beep every other second = VRO failure, air leak in oil line, oil restriction, (anything that would result in a lack of oil being supplied to the engine).

    NOTE - If the warning horn is the black plastic (overpriced) three wire type horn, the warning horn should beep once when the ignition key is turned to the ON position. If it does not, it is either faulty or someone has disconnected it (a stupid move!). At any rate, if it does not beep which indicates that the horn is non functional, find out why and do not run the engine until the problem is corrected.
    Which warning were you receiving?

    Since you have since did away with the normal VRO setup... did you follow the following correct procedure to do so?

    (VRO Pump Conversion To Straight Fuel Pump)
    (J. Reeves)

    You can convert the VRO pump into a straight fuel pump, eliminating the oil tank and VRO pump warning system, but retain the overheat warning setup (and fuel restriction warning if so equipped) by doing the following:

    1 - Cut and plug the oil line at the engine so that the oil side of the VRO pump will not draw air into its system. Trace the wires from the back of the VRO to its rubber plug (electrical plug) and disconnect it.

    2 - Trace the two wires from the oil tank to the engine, disconnect those two wires, then remove them and the oil tank.

    3 - Mix the 50/1 oil in the proper amount with whatever quantity fuel you have. Disconnect the fuel line at the engine. Pump the fuel primer bulb until fuel exits that hose with the tint of whatever oil you used. Reconnect the fuel hose.

    That's it. If you want to test the heat warning system to ease your mind, have the key in the on position, then ground out the tan heat sensor wire that you'll find protruding from the cylinder head. The warning horn should sound off.
    Now, if all is as it should be, while underway, have someone pump the fuel primer bulb constantly, acting as a manual fuel pump. If this corrects the problem, either the fuel pump has failed of the pressure coming from the crankcase to operate the VRO does not exist for some reason.


    • #3
      Hi joe,
      I have a gauge pod along with the horn, it was displaying the no oil light with a long beep then no noise but the light remained on, and I lost fuel pressure. im wondering if the loss of pressure or vacuum pulses would cause the alarm and no fuel.

      any suggestions on where to start looking for the pressure or vac loss?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Unfortunately, as mentioned, retiring in 1991... I'm unable to answer your question. I would suggest that you change forums to one (or both) of the following as I'm sure up to date members would be of more help:

        There is much activity in the later model Evinrude/Johnson forums of both sites.

