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Evinrude 2000 Ficht 200 Cylinders 1 & 3

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  • Evinrude 2000 Ficht 200 Cylinders 1 & 3

    #1 and #3 cylinders are not “firing”.
    I have checked the compression and I have 130 lbs on both cylinders.
    The spark coming off the plugs is extremely blue and would will jump about ¾ of an inch.
    It appears that I am getting “some” fuel to the plugs.**
    I have already sent the EMM and PDP to a guy in middle Tennessee for rebuild but that didn’t fix the issue.***
    Plugs have been changed and indexed also.
    One thing to note is that when I put a spark plug in either of the two removed spark plug wires a extremely blue spark shoots out from under the ignition coil boot (on the other end of the spark plug wire).**
    Just wondering if either
    #1 – the spark plug wires are bad;
    #2 – possibly the fuel injectors could be stopped up;
    #3 – maybe the fuel injectors have been replaced and not programmed into the EMM

    I switched #1 & #2 injectors and the injector that wasn't working is now working and the injector that was working now isn't.
    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

    Another update:
    I continued to troubleshoot the issue with my 2000 Evinrude 200 hp ficht.
    I switched the injectors around, plug wires, I even switched the ignition coils for #1 and #3 and nothing changed.
    Then I thought why not try something completely out of the ordinary so
    .....I remembered thinking earlier that the wires that go to the injectors for #1, 3, and 5 were all about the same length
    .....and it would be easily possible to switch two by mistake
    ...... and since 1 and 3 were not firing ..... I switched them.
    All of the sudden the engine sounded totally different and when I removed the spark plug wires from 1 or 3 it made a difference ..... not as drastic as when I removed any of the other 4, but it did make a difference.
    There's no telling how long it has been like this.** It was this way when I bought it about 6 weeks back.** I plan to take it out tomorrow and see if it helps.** Hopefully this will fix it.
    Last edited by PastMaster231; 05-16-2017, 08:55 PM. Reason: Update

  • #2
    I hesitated to reply to your post as I retired in 1991 and have no experience on a "Fitch" engine, However.............. Your statement of "One thing to note is that when I put a spark plug in either of the two removed spark plug wires a extremely blue spark shoots out from under the ignition coil boot (on the other end of the spark plug wire)" should be the clue you're looking for.

    When you put the spark plug in the circuit, and especially if it is under a compression stroke, a good deal of resistance is added to the circuit and the current, spark will take the path of least resistance..... jumping, shorting out to the powerhead or whatever ground is closest.

