If anyone could help, I replaced timing base, stator and power pack, and have fire and gas to all cylinders. It will not start. Thinking that the timing would be close to the old setting, I put the timing light on it and tried starting the motor, the timing is way off, number 1 cylinder is firing when number 3 should be. Quick history my mechanic that died. Had marked each cylinder on the fly wheel. Could I have hooked up something backward in the power pack or somewhere else, or is this typical when changing the timing base for it to go that far out of time. Thanks for any help.
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1993 ocean pro 200 timing
If you did not torque the flywheel key to factory specifications... and rather just tightened it up, the flywheel key has sheared and thrown the engine out of time.
Also check that the wires are the same color, matching up properly...timerbase to powerpack... powerpack to stator.
Let us know what you find.