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1985 Evinrude 25hp

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  • 1985 Evinrude 25hp

    Hey guys new here. I tested out my new boat and got it out there and started it up. While in neutral it idles real high, and then I put it in gear and it feels like I'm going 10mph. Which for the first time putting on a trailer was rather scary!

    There is a dial at the front of the motor it has a high or low on it, what is that? Hopefully I can get a answer or some pictures because I'm completely lost!

  • #2
    That high/low knob is a fuel/air adjustment for the low end/idle (see below):

    As for the high idle rpm... could be a linkage adjustment error pertaining to the timing or the carburetor... so many things.

    Has anyone been tinkering with it?

