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115 ficht engine alarm/studder

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  • 115 ficht engine alarm/studder

    Trying out a new to me 2002 115. Has been sitting for some time, but has low hours. Replaced fuel lines to motor, fuel filter, water pump impeller. Runs fine at low speeds, but will not plane. Sputter and engine alarm came on.

    Also noticed that there is a solid stream from the check, but appears there is no water from two square ports up top.

    Always a fresh water motor that looks amazingly clean.

    Any starting places?

  • #2
    Try this ...

    It will give you the codes ....

    Then get the diagnostic manual and its a starting place...

    The gauge Check Engine light is not only used as a warning, but it can also used to read the diagnostic trouble codes.
    Acodeisnormallydisplayedbyusingshortflashesofthech eckengine light. The manufacturer has diagnostic software for FlCHT engines that can also be used to retrieve codes and other stored EMM operational data. If available, a diagnostic connector is located in the engine harness to allow theconnectionwiththecomputercableadapterthatisused withthe diagnostic software. Follow the instructions that come with the software pack to use the diagnostic connector.
    Once diagnostic mode is entered, the engine cannot be started.
    Proceed as follows to display stored codes using the Check Engine light: 1. If the engine is running, shut the engine off using the ignition key
    2. Removethetopenginecoverforaccess.
    5. For75-175hpV4andV6motors,unboltandremovetheThrottle Position (TP) sensor from the flywheel cover. Manually move the TP sensor to the fullest limit of high-end travel in order to simulate WOT operation.
    6. On ALL motors, use a rubber band, clip or piece of wire to hold the throttle cam or the TP sensor in the WOT position.
    7. Turn the ignition switch to on in order to power up the EMM (the switch must remain on throughout the test with the emergency stop clip (if used) in position. Wait at least 10 seconds and watch for the codes to display on the Check Engine light.
    If theTP sensor or throttle cam is moved from the maximum limit before 10 seconds have p***ed, the EMM will NOT go into diagnostic mode and you'll have to start over from the beginning.
    8. AnytroublecodespresentwillbeginflashingontheCheckE ngine LED. Count the flashing to determine the code(s).If more than one is present, each code will flash until all stored codes have displayed, then there will be long pause (several seconds), during which the Check Engine light will remain lit, After the pause, the codes will loop and being displaying again.This will continue until you exit the diagnostic mode or erase the trouble codes.
    Interpret codes by counting the flashes.There will be a short pause between digits of the 2-digit code. A longer pause indicates the start of a different number.
    + See Figure 166
    The EvinrudeIJohnson diagnostic software can be also used to manually clear codes, but if the software is not available, a manual procedure can be conducted to erase all codes.
    1. Enter diagnostic mode and allow the codes to begin displaying.For details, please refer to Reading Codes, in this section.
    2. Whileindiagnosticmove,returntheTPsensororthethrott lecamto the low-end limit of its travel, simulating idle operation. The Check Engine light should come on and remain lit, wait 5 seconds or more, then move the sensor or cam again to the WOT throttle position (the Check Engine light should extinguish).Return the sensor or throttle cam AGAIN to the idle position (the Check Engine light should come on again). Repeat this step 4 more times, cycling the sensor or cam completely from stop-to-stop (from WOT to IDLE) and waiting at least 5 seconds at idle each time.
    3, After returning the sensor or throttle cam to the low-end limit for the 5thtime,theCheckEnginelightshouldremainonuntilthes ensoris reattached to the engine or the throttle link is reattached. At that time, the light should go OUT if there are no hard codes present. If there are hard codes, the light will turn back on (but keep in mind that some hard codes will not show until the motor is run again).
    4, Turn the ignition keyswitch off, erasing all service codes.
    The manual codes erase procedure CANNOT be performed using the remote control handle as it will NOT move the sensor through its full range of travel.

