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1988 25hp high speed issues

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  • 1988 25hp high speed issues

    Starts fine. Idles fine. Can go all day at half throttle. Ramp it up to high speed and it bogs down, spits and sputters. wont stall but I have to m***age the throttle back to a slower speed. Are there high speed jets that I need to look into? I did all the stuff I could fuel pump spark plugs carb cleaned, but if there is a jet I may have missed it. Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    You've described the actions of a clogged high speed jet. Clean it carefully with a piece of single strand steel wire.

    It's located horizontally in the bottom center portion of the float chamber, way in back of the drain screw.


    • #3
      Đất Mặt tiền HTP nh* bè 5*40 thổ cư 154m2 giá 3,9 tỉ tluong chút tiếp khách thiện ch* MTG -QC, Lhe Mr Tâm 0936386879


      • #4
        Đất Mặt tiền HTP nh* bè 5*40 thổ cư 154m2 giá 3,9 tỉ tluong chút tiếp khách thiện ch* MTG -QC, Lhe Mr Tâm 0936386879


        • #5

          Methanol in fuel is eating up the inside line of certain fuel lines. The result is restricted fuel flow--( fuel starvation) . It mimics carb problems. Drove me crazy for months b4 I found itrolleyes


          • #6
            Cái n*y có vẻ hay ho đấy...........................

