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1994 225

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  • 1994 225

    I am having a problem with my "1994" 225. Let me start off by stating that the motor did this exact same thing before I had a new powerhead put on it this spring.
    The motor wants to stall out at low rpm. It's worse if you shift it into gear and put it under load. At first it was sucking the ball flat. So I took the tanks out, cleaned them; replaced the fule lines, even replaced the manual fuel selector switch. I also replaced the ball and the inline filter. All new lines to the fuel pump. We did the pressure test according to the seloc book. All is good to there. We then went on to test the electronic primer. All seems to be good.
    We tested the coil packs according to the book. they seem to be good. We then tested the power pack according to the book. That test doesn't seem to be coming up to par.
    When i say at low rpm; If i don't open it up a little and let it clean out for like a minute, it will imediately stall if you put it in gear. What I don't understsnd also is that if I push the key in to choke it (even after being warm; like running down the lake for 10 15 minutes) seems to start better, and allow me to open the throttle a little and let it clean out.
    Could this problem stem from the power pack? or the shift ***ist switch? Or am I on the wrong track all together? A guy that fishes in my b*** club has a 95 150 motor and has been having the same problems for the past year year and a half.
    I greatly appreciate any and all input about this problem
    Thanks for your time

  • #2
    Boy it seems like there are a lot of questions on here with very few reply answers. I would like to know why that is? In all reality what good is this forum if no one is willing to help each other out. Just a question; no sarcasim intended, just frusteration.


    • #3
      You're correct about the little to slow response on this forum GnR. Surfing the first couple pages shows 1 occasional reply and most none. I'm with you, I don't understand the point of the website? Anyway, I wish I could help you with your problem and hope you can find one here. Good luck. As you say, no sarcasm intended but sure curious what gives.


      • #4
        tony edwards

        if your primer bulb is collapsing, and your boat is not that old, then the only thing that can cause that problem is either you have a kinked vent hose or the check valves that is required by law for manufacturers is bad. this valve is installed in your tanks where the fuel line hooks up at tank. these are easy fixes. this anti flow fitting prevents siphoning of the tank if fuel line comes loose. hope this helps. starving an engine can cause power head failure. i would check these areas first.


        • #5
          Thanks for your responces; I already went throught the check valves and pulled the tanks and cleaned them, put new fuel lines on replaced the ball, you name it from the tanks back even the manual fuel selector switch is all new to the fuel pump. The only thing from testing and reading the book that we could come up with is; the power pack is not operating correctly. But that doesn't really explain why the ball would be going flat.
          Now on top of all this we found 2 crushed wires up by the power pack. They must have gotten crushed when I had the power head replaced early this past summer.
          Now that we fixed them, the system alarms out saying, that it is starving for fuel.
          I am completely lost; After dropping 5grand on a new power head I was hoping that the problem would have been solved. Wrong it does the exact same thing as it did with the old powerhead. That is why we started looking electronically. When you put it in gear it just wants to fall flat on its face.


          • #6
            Oh I forgot to add; once you get underway a little bit, It runs great other than the alarming out situation now. It pushes my 89 stratos 201 pro around 67mph.

