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25 HP no water pressure

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  • 25 HP no water pressure

    I have a 1995 25 HP, Model E25TEEOR. Today I replaced the stator coils. I put on the ear muffs attached to a garden hose and started the motor. It started fine and sounded good. My problem is that now there is no water coming from the pee hole. It almost looked like exhaust coming from the pee hole. I had just replaced the water pump about 3 weeks ago and had very good pressure until now. I pulled the lower unit and checked the impeller direction of rotation and reinstalled it but still no water from the pee hole. Can anyone help me.

  • #2
    If the engine is not overheating, it's very possible that the water telltale exit fitting is clogged... run a piece of wire through it and check again.

    If indeed exhaust is exiting that telltale fitting, and the engine has overheated at one time, it's possible that the head gasket has failed and is creating a stale mate..... Combustion exiting into the water pa$$ageway via a flawed head gasket preventing the water from flowing properly.


    • #3
      Joe, Thanks for the info. I will do more checking.


      • #4
        no water pressure

        Just an update. Could not get water pump to pick up water using the ear muffs. Drove over to the lake. Backed her down into the water and started the motor. The water pump started pumping water just fine. Crazy...

