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Evinrude 9.9hp 1986 no spark

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  • Evinrude 9.9hp 1986 no spark

    Hi, I have been out all weekend with the engine and it was running great. Today however after a 40 minute run it died. There doesn't seem to be a spark at either spark plug when testing with a screwdriver into the end of the Ht lead and down to an earth.
    Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

    Also can anyone tell me if this model has an emergency cut out on lanyard on the end of the tiller arm as iv seen some pictures that has it but not sure if they were the same year

    Model number is BE10BACDB


  • #2
    If there's a groove on that switch at the tiller arm end where a lanyard clip would slip in, then that's a safety kill switch.

    If it's simply just a push button... it's only a stop switch.

