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1979 evinrude 35hp shift rod height?

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  • 1979 evinrude 35hp shift rod height?

    Hi i need help on adjusting my shift rod for my 1979 evinrude. It disconnects in the middle of the shaft and under the carb. Whats the height adjustment if i take it off from the middle of shaft? Do i have to take the whole rod out for proper measurement? Its a long shaft i forgot to mention. Any help would be great.

  • #2
    There is no shift rod height adjustment on the 1979 35hp Evinrude and it does not disconnect from under the carburetor.

    It disconnects via a 3/8" hex bolt in a bra$$ shift connector in back of a plate attached by two screws approximately halfway down the long exhaust housing.

    Simply remove the bottom bolt from that bra$$ connector to allow the lower shift rod to drop out of it.

    When rea$$embling, be sure to have the groove of the shift rod perfectly aligned with the hole in the bra$$ connector before inserting that 3/8" hex head bolt.


    • #3
      Thanks Joe, well then I guess I have to figure out why I can't get it into forward gear. Everything was good until I changed the impeller. Don't think my dog clutch went out over night so I'll look into the shift cable first and hope that's it. Thanks again for helping me narrow it down..


      • #4
        Originally posted by jerrystarcraft View Post
        Thanks Joe, well then I guess I have to figure out why I can't get it into forward gear. Everything was good until I changed the impeller. Don't think my dog clutch went out over night so I'll look into the shift cable first and hope that's it. Thanks again for helping me narrow it down..
        What do you mean... you'll have to figure it out? Simply changing the impeller has no effect on the shifting. And unless you unscrewed the shift rod from it normal bottomed out position, that couldn't change.

        You state in effect that it shifted fine before you changed the impeller. The usual problem/oversight is that the shift rod grooves were not aligned with the holes in the bra$$ shift connector and that error changes the length of the shift rod a$$embly.


        • #5
          Ya I'm going to go back and make sure I aligned the screws perfect and make sure they're both in the rod grooves. I read some other posts about turning the prop to get the rod to it's highest point before I tighten the bolts so I'll try that to. Think I just put it all back together to quickly. Shame on me!

