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1995 two stroke 70hp issue

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  • 1995 two stroke 70hp issue

    Hi guys. I'm new to this forum stuff so sorry if it's been asked before.
    I have a 1995 evinrude two stroke 70hp outboard that I bought second hand.
    The compression in all 3 cylinders was fine and it starts and runs well.
    That is until you give it some gas and it gets higher up in the rev range when it
    Shudders and loses power. I will usually just drop it down some revs and it is fine all day, but if I take it back up it splutters again. It's got new fuel lines, filters and tank. Spark plugs are new.
    Has anyone else had this issue?? I would love some help before I book it in to spend heaps of money on it.
    Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers nick

  • #2
    What RPMs does it do this at? Do you have a tach showing RPMs?
    I'm guessing it has carbs, not fuel injected.
    Are you saying it hesitates when throttle goes up, and you throttle back, then can give more throttle and it's ok? Or do you throttle down, and leave it there the rest of day?
    How long has the motor been doing this? And what have you done to correct it? Have you tried any fuel additive to clean the system?
    Had the motor setup for extended amount of time, prior to this happening? Do you RN ethanol fuel in the motor?

    I can throw a lot of questions, but without answers?

    Good luck.

