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1994 E25RERC Evinrude carb rebuild question

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  • 1994 E25RERC Evinrude carb rebuild question

    Cleaned carbs want to know how many turns out on idle screw for a starting point . Thank

  • #2
    For future knowledge, I don't ever remove any screws or linkage parts when I clean carbs. Then you really don't need to sync carbs.
    To adjust the idle stop screw, you need to make sure the throttle plates are fully closed (at rest), then adjust the idle stop screw one turn after it first contacts the idle linkage plate. If the motor idles to high, adjust to proper RPMs. If still too low, go one half turn at a time, until motor will idle, and adjust to proper RPMs from that point.

    If you are talking about the idle-mixture screw, start at 1.5 turns open, from lightly seated closed, for each carb (all multiple carbs idle mix screws should be set identically). Once motor had been running for an hour, visually look at plugs, to see if running too rich (dark &sooty), or too lean (white and dry looking). If too rich, open air mix screw on each carb 1/4 turn, redo running at idle, and recheck after more running (clean plugs before retesting). If first run plugs too lean, adjust air mix screws (again, all carbs the same) 1/4 turn closed. Then recheck as mentioned above.

    Also, if ever cleaning multiple carbs, NEVER mix up the parts, some carbs have different jets in multiple carbs from factory, to balance those carbs on particular motors.

    Good luck, post back when able, if you need.

