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engine losing prime

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  • engine losing prime

    i have a 1976 evinrude 6 hp 2 stoke, this is my first outboard, so im not 100% im priming it correctly. I was told to squeeze bulb till it is hard, so i do that.

    I pull choke out, pull cord, and nothing really happens on several pulls, sometimes it will run for about 20 seconds and it quits,and the bulb is no longer hard,so i squeeze it some more. cycle repeats. I thought maybe im getting air in the line somewhere,or maybe connectors are worn out. Just wanted an experts opinion as this is my first outboard.

  • #2
    It may be that your connectors are worn, but after it starts when choke is out, what do you do? Do you turn the choke off before it dies out? Or, is the motor running out of fuel and dies on it's own? The primer bulb will not stay firm all the time after it starts and runs some. But out should remain full of fuel, in other words, once primed and motor runs, it starts pulling fuel from the tank. The motor creates a suction to pull fuel into the fuel pump, and push it into the carb. This releases the pressure in the bulb, but the bulb should not collapse if the tank vent is open and working.

    If your motor doesn't stay running when you turn the choke off (after a little warmed up), then there may be other problems? How long has the motor been sitting up, not running, and was fuel in the carb while sitting up? It could also be related to the fuel pump, if weak, or not working?

    Post back when able. Good luck.


    • #3
      Sometimes when I push the choke in after warm up it dies immediately, other times, it will run. I think I am going to replace fitting and tank, a friend mentioned a fuel demand valve might help too. I think I am getting air in the lines at some point. Also when it does run, while idling for a extended period, sometimes it will just randomly quit. Thoughts? Thank you for your help!

