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98 150hp Evinrude Ficht Cranking not firing

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  • 98 150hp Evinrude Ficht Cranking not firing

    Hey guys.

    Recently aquired a 150hp 60degree v6 efi evinrude that would not fire. Paid a mechanic a lot of money for him to tell me the rectifier is blown. Currently in australia they are a very expensive part so i cant afford to replace it unless im sure that is the part that is faulty and im not convinced it is.

    The engine kicks over nicely with lots of fuel going into the cyclenders but i had no spark.

    Current compression test: 115-120 psi in all cyclenders (not great but hey not a issue)

    New battery and spark plugs got me a weak spark when the plugs were removed.

    Took the stator off to test it and the ohms test and beep test were both fine so i put it back together and now i get a pretty strong spark.
    DVA test gets 70volts on each spark plug while firing.

    Then tested the stator which im pretty sure is ment to be 26v and 12 volt lines and i get 17 volt and 12 volts out when firing. Is 17-18 volts from a 26 volt stator while firing a little low?

    Now when i try and start it i can get it to fire once or twice before refusing to kick over untill i retry the key. That made me think that the battery cca wasnt enough but its a 730cca brand new battery that has 12.86 volt out when cracking.

    Sorry for the essay but i thought the more info the better to try fix this annoying problem.

    Also the check engine light is on but i have no way of getting it diagnosed localy. So next step is to wither replace the stator or buy the usb diagnostic kit.

    Thanks for any help/

  • #2
    You may have poor/dirty connections from battery to starter, weak solenoid, and possibly poor/dirty connections on timing coil ***y.? It just seems that removing and checking stator showed improvement in getting spark to plugs? Maybe you have other connection issues causing problems?

    Yes, you have a very expensive rectifier/regulator (800 - 900+ dollars here in USA), not cheap.

    I'm not sure if buying diagnostics will tell you much, I don't think it will identify which items are bad? Might be waste of money? The service manual might tell you more for your money?

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Solarman; 09-22-2015, 10:17 AM.


    • #3
      I have ruled out plugs, leads and battery (but could possbily try a bigger cc battery or a twin setup to start it). I finaly got a hold of some software and made my own cable. It told me i have a fault tps sensor which fingers crossed is my issue. Ive ordered a new one and hopefully this makes her all good. Found out shes only done 400hrs which for a 98 is quite low.

      The cause of all the problems was a loose connection on the reg/rec which caused arc'ing for some time before it just would not start again. This all happened before i got the engine. I also bought a full service manual for it and have tested all the voltage points ***oicated with not firing and they all tested within normal ranges with good connections.
      Last edited by maingoee; 09-28-2015, 06:02 AM.


      • #4
        looks like this has been a while. Any chance you replaced the rectifier or was it fine and you just fixed the connection? Thanks, Glad you got it fixed!

