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evinrude 120 v4 crank case drain

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  • evinrude 120 v4 crank case drain

    Hi, I am Jonathon a new member, i just bought a bayliner with 1990 evinrude v4, it needs some work, but i found a lot of heavy oil in the carb cover, looks like evaporated fuel, have cleaned it but ma wondering if some drained into the crank case, is there a crank case drain plug, i could not find it

    please help


  • #2
    I believe you have a 2 stroke that runs on gas & Oil mixture, there is not a crankcase. I don't know of any 4 stroke outboard motors made in 1990?

    If you have Oil in carbs then it sounds like the motor hasn't been run in a long time, and soaking/ cleaning carbs thoroughly will be one thing needed to get motor running.

    Good luck.

