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Electric fuel pump

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  • Electric fuel pump

    Has anyone attempted to substitute a universal electric fuel pump and with what degree of success?

  • #2
    Substitute for what? We don't have a crystal ball on this side to know what you're talking about here?

    Could be a little more helpful here, if you need help?


    • #3
      OK, now I see what you're asking. let's stick to one post for same problem.

      I need a new fuel pump for a 40 hp mid 80s evinrude. I'm seeing what I need for $170-190, which is rediculous. Has anyone attempted to substitute an electricfuel pump and to what degree of success?

      If you take the part number with item name and google it, you might find a better deal from somewhere else. Also, what's wrong with your pump? Would a rebuild kit fix it? Most fuel pumps can be rebuilt for only $30 - $40 dollars, with the right kit.

      Using an electric pump is not a good idea, if not installed correctly could become a serious fire hazard, may even become explosive?

      Good luck.

