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engine won't restart after running

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  • engine won't restart after running

    I have a very old Evinrude twin 7.5 engine from the early 50's. A couple of years ago I had the engine serviced. The outboard engine repairman said that the it had good compression and should run for many more years It will start OK but once it has run for awhile it won't restart. I have pulled the restart rope till my arm is ready to fall off. One fellow told me that he thought it was likely a bad condenser that was causing this issue.

    I don't know that much about outboards, but I have already dumped way to much money into it. Somehow I am thinking it is something simple that will get this problem with the restarting solved. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to get it restart.

    PK Olebear

  • #2
    If the problem is related to spark (electrical), then it could be points and condenser. It could also be fuel related, as well as temp related? It's difficult to say what is causing your problem. Generally the condenser should be replaced each time the points are replaced, that's part of a tune up.

    Good luck.

