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Charging problem

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  • Charging problem

    I am having charging problem with my 1993 150 hp Ocean Pro. When I run at plain speed above 3500 rpm , my tach will stop working and volts start to drop. I bring it back to idle and after a minute or two the tach will start to work and volts come back up. I am running two batterys with a Perko switch. I have charged the batterys with a 10 amp charger to full charge. Am I looking at bad regulator? I have ordered a manual for my engine so I can trace circuits and wiring. I do have a consider amount of electrical experience , just not knowing what component is what on this engine is my main problem.I have owned this motor for 2 years. I have looked up the part and found it to be not that bad in price, just want to make sure if I buy it is what I need. Since I will not be able to return it.

    Any input from anyone with experience would be great help

  • #2
    Think I'd check all connections at rectifier/regulator (is yours one unit, split? You didn't give a model number?), and any grounds. Then inspect and clean connections at battery, and perko switch. I'd also check for corrosion, loose connections where tach connects at motor? It may be related to problem.

    It would be difficult to suggest you test the output of your stator, and rectifier when problem exists/ occurs, if only at ~3500 RPMs?

    You may have to wait for manual and perform the tests for those items, unless you find a bad connector in meanwhile?

    You can post a message to moderator, but I still haven't seen them answer any questions here, might be longer wait than manual.

    sorry I can't give you answers you want. I do know the regulator adjusts voltage according to the batteries need, if low it increases volts. If full charge it drops to 12-14 volts. The rectifier converts the a/c volts to d/c volts supplied by the stator. Basically just like an auto, only the stator acts like the alternator (easiest way to discribe it)? Generally it should always charge 12-14 volts, unless heavy load, then it increases. So I don't understand ”tach going off, and volts dropping” like you mentioned unless a connection is bad/ corroded?

    Have you looked at flywheel? closely? Any magnets loose? Might be something to check, it has been known to happen?

    Good luck, tell us if you find anything.

