I am having charging problem with my 1993 150 hp Ocean Pro. When I run at plain speed above 3500 rpm , my tach will stop working and volts start to drop. I bring it back to idle and after a minute or two the tach will start to work and volts come back up. I am running two batterys with a Perko switch. I have charged the batterys with a 10 amp charger to full charge. Am I looking at bad regulator? I have ordered a manual for my engine so I can trace circuits and wiring. I do have a consider amount of electrical experience , just not knowing what component is what on this engine is my main problem.I have owned this motor for 2 years. I have looked up the part and found it to be not that bad in price, just want to make sure if I buy it is what I need. Since I will not be able to return it.
Any input from anyone with experience would be great help
Any input from anyone with experience would be great help