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1996 Evinrude 140hp stalled

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  • 1996 Evinrude 140hp stalled

    Hi guys, My 1996 Evinrude stalled last November while I was winterizing it. It would not restart. Today I tried to start it. It will sputter when pumping the primer bulb or using ether, but would not run. I tried an external tank, but it did the same thing. Is it the fuel pump or bad gas sitting in the carbs?

  • #2
    Don't use ether. If 2 stroke it dries out/ washes away oils needed to lube motor. If 4 stroke, can burn up sensors needed for motor to run? Use oil & gas mix in spray bottle for 2 strokes. If 4 stroke, use plain gas in spray bottle.

    Ok, you do mention carbs, that tells me something about your motor?
    A little more info would be helpful?

    How long before winterizing your motor did it run previously? Did you use ether then?

    Post back when able. Need more info?


    • #3
      140 will not run without using primer

      Solarman, the motor is 140hp E-140TLCDC to be exact. I believe the power head was replaced in 93, and I am still having the same problem. Last year 2015, it ran flawlessly until the end of the season as it got cold out. It did run fairly well on a full tank early this season, but once it got down to 3/4 tank the same problem again of stalling out. It seems as if the fuel line goes empty as if the pump can not pull the gas out of the tank without help.When it does start, I can keep it running by squeezing the primer bulb when it is about to stall. I ran an external tank today and had the same problem of wanting to stall after it started. By squeezing the primer I was able to keep it running. So I ruled out bad gas or collapsed fuel line system. I now believe the problem to be at the fuel pump. I noticed that some of the fuel lines are dry rotted and one that is plugging an unused hole on the bottom of the pump is torn almost in half leading me to believe that I have a vacuum leak or air leak so I am in the market for new fuel lines from the fuel pump to the engine only. Would and could that be my only problem, or does it sound like the old pump may have given up? I am not sure how the fuel pump works on an outboard like mine.
      Last edited by Dchunter; 10-02-2016, 05:43 PM. Reason: misspelled a word.

