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Control box?

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  • Control box?

    My friend has a 20' Seaswirl with a 140 Evinrude. It quit so we towed it to his dock to work on it. I jumped the solenoid and it started so I narrowed it down to the switch or the control box neutral switch. While trying to remove the control box it started so I figured the neutral switch is bad. My problem is how to remove the box from the side of the boat. It's a walk around cutty and the control is on the starboard side behind the side panel. I removed the 3 screws from the cover and couldn't get it off. I found a slot under the control handle and turned it to try to find a screw but couldn't see very well. I which position should the control be to get the screw out and what tool do I use? Thanks.

  • #2
    If all visible screws on the front side then a screw driver is needed to pry it open. Don't remove the screw in the shift handle. Box should come apart with handle attached.

