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1995 Evinrude 130hp does not idle properly?

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  • 1995 Evinrude 130hp does not idle properly?

    1995 Evinrude 130hp

    It will start then idle for couple of seconds then die. I have an issue when moving from a higher RPM back to idle. If I take it up to higher RPMs while in neutral, it will run fine, but when I drop it back to idle it will die. If I drop the RPM back quickly from a high RPM to idie it will most certaily die more easily than if I ease back on the throttle with a slow decent to idle. I also noticed that in neutral the cam follower and the roller is not aligned dead center with the roller (look at the photos). The outboard runs fine otherwise. I have a feeling this could be related to synch and linkage problem? Can anyone give me tips?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    any tips on how to adjust cam follower and roller?

