Had motor for two weeks. Worked fine with water hose hook up. Took out to fresh water. Ran fine. Smooth no problem. Let sit ..Took out to salt water Sunday . Ran fine up the the Tree Palacios River for about 3 to 4 miles...slight bumpy ride. Then just died! Tried everything...emergency kill switch...priming...gas bulb...switched gas tanks...nothing. engine would get Fire ...turning over but would not crank! Scary situation! Had to be towed in. Drove back home. Hooked water hose up n it started! Then cut off again during idling! Let sit for two days. Just went outside and it started back up. Let run for 10 minutes n started right up every time! Noticed sometimes bulb would not get tight n fill fuel in cup. Could it be the salt water? I love my new toy but scared to get back out there knowing it can shut down again!
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please help...1984 50hp
she starting ....
Since my last post starting motor up every day under the hose! Noticed if I ever had a problem with it cutting off...the fuel in the cup would not be full n bulb not tight. Some how the fuel is flowing out the engine back into the tank. I would raise the cup...let fuel flow towards the engine....pump fuel bulb until good n tight...then let it go....engine kicks right on. Question? Do I need to have hole open at the top of gas tank while engine is running? Noticed the hole was closed on the initial tank I was using when engine stalled.
Ok....got it narrowed down to this. Took boat out again to bay n it bogged down once again. Has nothing to do about salt water. It has something to do w strain on carb? Guessing? You see...under the water hose runs fine...less strain..right. now once in body of water lol bit more...then to propel the boat...lots of strain....is this called bogged out in boating terms? Older motor that has been sitting for awhile. Not something carburetor clean or can fix either!