or two. I have this 4HP Johnson(J4RDHCEC)and I can crank it
by using a socket in a drill which turns it faster than using the
manual rope pull, but it will not crank when it is cold using the
manual rope starter. The rope does have some slack in it. Do
I need to wrap the rope another turn around the pulley? Would
appreciate some input and advice. Also I have changed impellers
in other motors that did not have a forward and reverse, this 4HP
has both--is it a difficult job to do this? I don't know a lot about
outboard motors but I can rering my 52HP International tractor,
so I am not an absolute idiot when it comes to the mechanics of
an engine. Thanks beforehand for any advice and info someone
may give.
P.S. I need prayer and you need the practice!