I ran my 70 hp evinrude (mid 1980's) at about 3/4 throttle for about 15 0r 20 minutes give or take. ran fine whole way then bog down. it never stalled but I could not get it throttled up. it would run at high rpm in neutral but nothing in gear. I limped back to the ramp (about two hours). changed the coil packs, wires, and byp***ed the fuel/water separator (went from the tank direct to the primer bulb). put the boat back in the water and problem solved! NOT!!! ran lovely for 3 minutes and then same problem. am I looking at a power pack, or do I go after my fuel? please help, cant sleep
I did the pump the primer thing, nothing.
I have the primer type choke. tried bumping that, got a little response but nothing substantial.
I did the pump the primer thing, nothing.
I have the primer type choke. tried bumping that, got a little response but nothing substantial.