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motor swap

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  • motor swap

    Hi just wondering if any one knows if the controls from a 1996 evinrude 130hp will fit a 2005 150hp evinrude? bought a cc boat and want to stay away from changing controls if possible.

  • #2
    what is the 2005 model exactly ? I presume we are talking of both being 2 strokes and the later engine being a e-tec engine !!!!!
    without model numbers its hard to tell as there are sometimes differences in just the model and type.

    with model of the later engine we can get more of an idea.
    also is the newer engine also a red plug at the engine end ?



    • #3
      The model# for the 2005 is E150FHLSOC the last year before the E-tec as far as the red plug goes I'm not sure what you mean the harness has three plugs that look the same as the ones on the c.c. console boat haven't tried to hook them up yet .Don't want to be boatless with a half done project. I appriciate your ***istance with this.


      • #4
        I figured it out just have to use my harness and the tach set up from 2005 motor the rest will plug in fine . thanks

