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lark 50

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  • lark 50

    Hi all.
    First post here. I've recently been given a lark 50 model number 504731.
    At least that's what it looks like on the plate. It's a tad scarred.
    Anyhoo, my plan is to strip and rebuild then respray in original colour.
    Mechanically, i don't see an issue with my skill level. My hobby is rebuilding early car motors.
    But there's some questions i have.
    Who here has done this more than a few times and what issues did you come up against?
    I'm going to do a search and download whatever i can find, but a full workshop manual is not always easy to download.
    I only ever use a tablet these days to store all this stuff in and read directly from the screen. Grease kills paper quickly, but screen protectors are dirt cheap.
    Any tips or advice is appreciated.

  • #2
    Model number was wrong.
    It is 50473m
    Does anyone know where i can download a workshop and an owner's manual?
    Cheers :-)

