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Tilting a evinrude outboard 2000 6HP

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  • Tilting a evinrude outboard 2000 6HP


    I just bought a sailingboat with a evinrude outboard model 2000 6HP. manual starter

    I trie to tilt it because there got a plastic bag stuck in my propeller

    But somehow the tilt is stuck. I never tilted this outbourd before so i don't know how to do this with this outboard. Should i pull or press any leavers/lockmechanism before I can tilt it. How does it stay up when tilted.

    Can you get a manual somewere for free for my engine if i could retrieve the modelnumber

    I hope somebody can help me with these questions


  • #2
    They didn't make a 6 hp in 2000.Click in upper left hand colume of this page and you can find a breakdown of your motor.There should be a tilt lock on the left hand side of the motor.You will have to pull it up or press down to engage it.


    • #3
      does it matter if the shift is in forward, neutral or backward when i pull or push this handle and how far should i pull or push it?



      • #4
        It doesn't matter its just a locking mechinism for the motor.Its there so your motor doen't kick up in reverse.Leave it unlocked so if you ever hit something the motor will kick up instead of getting torn off.If you have to use reverse lock it.Then unlock it while cruising.This is part of the motor mounts.It will be more under the motor.
        Last edited by Elton Smith; 09-04-2013, 08:53 PM.


        • #5
          Push down on the handle while pulling up on the rear of the motor, there should be a hand hold on the top rear, unless you have power trim which I doubt.
          Last edited by waterbum; 09-05-2013, 05:50 PM.

