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1963 Evinrude 3hp. carb question.

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  • 1963 Evinrude 3hp. carb question.

    I have a '63 with a slow speed needle only. I have put a carb kit in it and after I have turned out the needle 3 full rounds I am able to get full power out of it. It cruises well on my Old Towne 17 ' 4" @ about 7mph. the problem I have is I think I am backing out the needle to far to get full speed out of it, as when I try to slow down it runs rough or dies out. Earlier this spring I tried to get it to run @ any speed in a barrel full of water and with the slow needle out approx. 1/2 to 3/4 turn I had to use the choke to keep it running. It starts easy with the 3 rounds out and I have 2 1/2 tanks of gas through it and it runs great @ 75% to 100% throttle. Any ideas Please Help.

  • #2
    The slow speed needle is just what it means,slow speed.This is mainly your idle.It has no effect on how fast your motor will go.That is determined by the size of the main jet in the carb.

