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How do you change the impeller on a 70HP 3 Cyl 1986 Evinrude outboard?

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  • How do you change the impeller on a 70HP 3 Cyl 1986 Evinrude outboard?

    How do you change the impeller on a 70HP 3 Cyl 1986 Evinrude outboard? Can you supply help and a diagram? I have loosened 5 bottom bolts on leg and need to know how to disengage the shaft to get to the impeller.

    Thanks in advance. Scott

  • #2
    There may be a small rod on the front side (boat side)of the lower unit mine is silver or chrome and it has a pin running cross ways witha cotter pin keeper holding it in place it will have to be removed before the lower unit will drop down.Once the lower unit is out the impeller will be at the bottom of the shaft where it comes out of the lower unit be sure to watch wich way the rotation is on the impeler.
    For diagrams of the motor check out you will need the serial numberoff the motor they have a complete break down of the motorin sectiosn check it out and good luck.


    • #3
      Sorry but it's not it is right here on this web site just click on the purchase evinrude parts section at the top of this page and it will take you to the year model just scrool down to your year and click on that and then it will bring up all the models for that year.

