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2000 Evinrude Fitch 225HP showing 3 error lights

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  • 2000 Evinrude Fitch 225HP showing 3 error lights

    Good day to everyone in this forum

    I have a 2000 Evinrude Fitch 225HP on my boat, the motor runs very strong, but I'm having an issue with it.
    If I run it and shut it down, then open the key switch again, I will have 3 error lights in the RPM gauge.

    Once this happens, the motor protects itself and won't start again. I had it scanned and these are the results:

    I purchased a new shift switch, replaced it and I keep having the same error.
    I replaced the oil pump and the key switch as well, but the error persists.

    This is so frustrating, I've had this error while I am in the water and I've had to be towed back to the ramp.
    I wish somebody could guide me on what to do regarding this.

    I appreciate your time for reading this and specially to those who shut a suggestion.
    Thank you so much to all of you!

  • #2
    Did you look to see what value was showing for air temp sensor when had diagnostic connected, was it about equal to ambient temp? If the shift switch and air temp sensor test good then need test the wires between EMM and sensors for shorts or open circuits. If sensors and wiring test good then could be a bad EMM.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts

