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65 HP evinrude water pump installation

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  • 65 HP evinrude water pump installation

    I have a 1973hp evinrude. I just replaced the impeller and all the gaskets that came with the kit. How do I tell if its cooling ok. It is spitting warm water about 3 feet in a stream from the back of the hub right between were the lower unit and the exhaust housing meet. it also has warm water coming out of exhaust and from the vents located above the inlet ports. I havent replaced the thermostat and I am not sure if its overheating but I just wanted to be sure before I damage it! There is little if any water coming from the exhaust holes on the back just below the cover. The engine runs fine from what i can tell is there any otherway to verify water is making it to the block and power head?
    Last edited by slavik739971; 06-08-2010, 10:56 PM. Reason: added a few words

  • #2
    Check cylinder head temp with a thermometer to see if running over 190 degrees.
    Last edited by; 06-29-2010, 06:18 PM.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts


    • #3
      70 HP cooling

      How did it end up with your engine? I have a 70hp and am worried about the cooling. It doesn't look like there is any water coming out of the two little holes on the back side under the cover.

