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  • Overcharging

    I have a 1984 Evinrude 70 HO with trim&tilt. When I redid my boat I added voltmeter. When I first ran boat, volts showed around 13-14 volts. Then 1 day it started down to 12+ volts. Upon checking engine I noticed rectifier?? had melted including wires. Now the boat started and rann fine. Because I had problem getting a tach to run I figured must be a wiring problem. Disconnected everything, replaced rectifier and things were fine, back to 13-14 volts. then it stated boucing all over and found ground strap on motor was loose. Now volts are 16 and steady. My question is are 16 volts going to be an issue. I checked battery and water levels are fine, motor runs great and starts right up. I read on 1 forum that said volts aren't much of a problem as amps are low. I would appreciate any help on this. Thanks

  • #2
    14 is the norm, 16 is a bit high but should be ok, anything above 16 is a cause for concern.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts

