hey i'm new to this forum ..put im perry good at work on outboard...but im lose on this one.......i got a 71 johnson 50 hp and i cant get no spark the stator ,timer,power pack and coil check out good is there some im missing ......and plus the prop.turn when i try to crank it ....it got a hydro-electric drive ...i took the lower unit off to check the SOLENOID,Upper and the SOLENOID,LOWER they seen to check out fine ...i had a man tell me when it fires up it will come out of gear i don't know first motor i had with this kind of shitfer.......thank of looking and helping
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50esl71s johnson
Check your safety switch. The maybe keeping your motor from sparking.
If not wired up then should have spark, check voltage output of charge coil, pulsor coils, CDI unit with a peak reading voltmeter to see whats not in specs.
Powerpacks are commend problems, but check your safety wire first.
how do u test the power pack when it unwire and off the motor to see if its good or bad.....
is the safety wire the one that go's to the safety switch then to the groundLast edited by jameshester; 08-02-2012, 01:30 PM.
The powerpack cannot be tested. The safety wire goes to the safety switch, yes should be a ground.