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70 HP Evinrude stalls under load

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  • 70 HP Evinrude stalls under load

    Hello - I was very happy to find this forum for Evinrude! I have a 70 hp outboard that stall when put under load. Otherwise, she runs great. I have tested it in the yard with Flush Adapters (ear-muffs) and everything is fine. Once I put her in the water she'll move along at an idle but the minute I give it any throttle it "konks" out.
    New fuel (with additive)
    New fuel filter
    New plugs
    Carbs cleaned.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks and I'm glad to be part of the forum.

    Haverhill, M***achusetts

  • #2
    Did you have the carburetors done professionally? Check the timing and all carburetor adjustments.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts


    • #3

      Thanks for the suggestion... I finally figured it out with the help of a guy I happen to run into at the boat launch.
      The 90hp Evinrude was running great at idle but the moment I gave her the gas, she'd die out.
      I had already brought it to a local marine repair place and for $180.00 he told me I wasn't getting enough oil mixed with the gas.... Wrong.
      I rebuilt all the carburetors which weren't in bad shape.... still no go.
      The fellow I ran into said to check the advance mechanism (lever) which I did and sure enough it wasn't moving at all when the throttle was moved forward.
      The 90 will idle great but there is a "lever" just above the throttle levers that should move freely forward that advances the timing and lets the engine rev up. I pulled the flywheel off the top of the motor (very easy with a steering wheel puller) and loaded it up with WD40 as I worked the lever back and forth. After a while it was moving like butter, as it should. The boat had been sitting for a while so I believe that just got bound up. I had her out all day and she runs like a charm!!!
      I've seen a few post where folks were having the same problem as I had. Check the lever for the advance! If I had know this, it would have saved me a few bucks. I'm amazed that the marine repair guy didn't see that. After all, they are suppose to be the experts.
      Last edited by Cornerman; 07-23-2012, 04:44 PM.

