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Evinrude 55 HP 1978 Remote Control

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  • Evinrude 55 HP 1978 Remote Control

    I have a 78 55HP Control on a 60 HP 1983 Johnson.
    I was out over the weekend and the warm up lever stopped working and somehow caused the throttle to not work. I was able to get the throttle functional again but cannot figure out the warm up link, I've looked at diagrams and cannot figure out how the warm up link attaches to the cable to make it function.
    Right now it's just free and moves up and down but doesn't function anything. There is two connections, one connects to the cable with a roller on top and the other looks like it connect to the lever through the housing but when connected the screw hits the bracket for the cable and once you move the warm up lever up and down once it loosens the connection and doesn't move anything.

    I'm sure there is a simple fix I just need to know what's missing.

  • #2
    Unfortunately I am not 100% sure how that model works.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts

