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3 problems 1980 70 hp evinrude

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  • 3 problems 1980 70 hp evinrude

    I was out this weekend in my new to me boat. It is a 1980 with a 1980 70 hp evinrude. I dont have the users manual that goes with it and I have very little experience working on any type of engine. I now want learn.

    1st problem: is the push key choke doesnt work. when I took the cover off I noticed a lever to turn on and off manual choke. What does this do? either way it doesnt help with the key choke. it will start if I lift the linkage up while turning the key. this was the only problem on my last 2 times out.

    2nd problem: after starting as above, I went out and notices when I went above 4,000 rpms, it sounded like gears disengaged and wouldn't go until I slowed down below 4,000 rpms again. Any ideas whats happening?

    3rd problem: after i stopped and achored for awhile, when I turned the key nothing happened. I took the cover off and used a rope to try to manually start it, which didnt start it but after a couple pulls I tried the key again and it started back up. this happened twice so I headed home.

    any help on any of these problems will be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    The choke solenoid is located on the starboard side and connects to the choke linkage. With the key depressed there should be 12v to the solenoid (and ground), if there is not check to make sure your key switch is working properly. You could have spun the propeller, that maybe why it will not go faster at high rpm's, remove and have inspected. Next time the key switch will not work, check the starter drive gear, make sure it returned back to the starter. If the gear is still enguaged to the flywheel, rock back and forth an manual make it return, grease the starter shaft, this should help.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Thanks for the advice. I will check the solenoid for voltage if there is none, how do I check to see if the key switch is working properly?
      I'll take the propeller off to inspect but not sure look for what to look for.

      Ill also look at the starter to see if it is still engaged.

      Thanks again for your advice!!

