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Remote control parts to fit

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  • Remote control parts to fit

    I wonder whether anyone has the knowledge to help? I am looking to purchase remote controls for my small fishing boat. The lengths of the cables have to be 8 - 9 feet.
    My engine is a 9.9hp Evinrude,
    Model: BE10BALCES
    Serial: R08225370
    All I have are the engine and a dual lever OMC control box only (looks like an older model but seem to be in good working order when I took it apart and cleaned it) and I will need all the parts necessary to connect the engine to the box via the missing cables to get it working and to control the engine from the helm. I guess what I need are the correct cables and fittings to fit the engine and the box.

    Would anyone know what parts are required in order to carry out this conversion or even better where can I buy it from?

    Many thanks in advance for your advice!

  • #2
    You can purchase the parts from - New and Used Boats for Sale, Outboard Boat Motors, and Discount Outboard Boat Parts, if you call the 877-408-1499 phone line and speak to parts they will ***ist you with orderering all the parts you will require.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts

